How To Monitor Employee Internet Usage


The Internet has become a critical tool used by all small and big companies to keep up with streamlined working processes. Concurrently, it has also played an essential role in distracting employees during paid hours. Employees often neglect their work duties while socializing on the internet.  As a result, employers are incessantlysearching for productivemethods, like introducing internet monitoring software to observeweb activities and put a halt to workplace distractions.

Table of Contents

  • How to Monitor Employee Internet Usage
  • Discover the Potential of a Wireless Router
  • Install the Employee Monitoring Software
  • Keep Tabs on Your Internal Network Traffic
  • Introduce Policies Related to Employee Internet Usage
  • Bottom Line

Discover the Potential of a Wireless Router

You can connect the Wi-Fi connection in your office to a wireless router that keeps a check on every site that your employees browse or visit.

For this, you need to establish a login by putting your wireless router’s IP address information on the search bar of your office browser. Once you complete the initial setup process, you can check the complete report about your employees’ online activities by clicking the ‘Logs’ button.

On the other hand, you can also invest in those routers that block specific websites, limiting your employees to use them during office hours.

Install Employee Monitoring Software

Reliable and efficient monitoring software can supervise all sites that your employees visit during work hours. It prepares weekly consolidated reports of all employees by gathering their browsing information. The software automatically shares the report with individual and their managers via official email IDs.

With a heavy workload, sometimes it does get tough to keep track of these reports. Hence, we would suggest you designate a specific time to analyze these reports as they are essential to enhance workplace productivity. These are also very useful to monitor behavior of employees working remotely.

Keep Tabs on Your Internal Network Traffic

Another strategy to monitor your employees’ web activity is to keep a tab on your internal network traffic.  If you want to know information your employees share using the official server, then try installing a firewall. It provides you all the details related to data sharing.

The only snag in this approach is it fails to give you concrete data points related to the period during which an employee was online. Therefore, you would not be able to know if your employee actually watched a YouTube video or it was running idly in the background.

Introduce Policies Related to Employee Internet Usage

An essential factor in restricting unwarranted internet usage is to formulate and implement policies regarding this subject. Companies need to inform their employees about office bandwidth limitations before penalizing them.

Another good approach is to use certain data points to keep a constant check on employees’ online activities. A data point can be anything, like total duration your employees spent using online applications can assist companies in properly evaluating internet usage during office hours.

Bottom Line

If we talk about productivity and efficiency, effort and time are two critical factors. Almost every organization has to deal with problems related to exploitation of the internet as employees often end up using office network for their personal affairs during work hours.

We hope our easy-to-follow tips help you to keep track of your employees’ internet usage. Just make sure you have a good network connection that is both fast and safe to use. You can check Mediacom internet packages as they offer a smart internet security suite that protects users from all kinds of online threats. Good luck!

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