8 Situations When You Should Strictly Avoid Drinking Water

quit drinking alcohol

The human body needs ordinary water; its use has a beneficial effect on many processes in our body. Without enough water, our body can fall quit drinking alcohol and won’t be able to survive for a more extended period. We have been reading about the benefits of water for our body whole of our life. But nobody ever told its harm.

Excess of anything is not good, and water is no exception. It would be strange for some people to know that excess consumption of water can even make you sick. Thoughtless, overuse is not beneficial for many reasons. Therefore, you need to be careful and avoid drinking water, mainly if some situation arises.

When Should You Not Drink Water?

Nobody is stopping you from drinking water, but there are some situations in which you have to be a little careful. Let’s see, under what circumstances it is still not worth drinking water.

1- Before Bedtime

Drinking water before a night’s rest is not an excellent idea for the following reasons:

  • Sleep Disturbance: The chances are that the liquid you drink will make you get up to the toilet more often. It will not allow you to rest and recover at night fully.
  • The Appearance Of Edema: The kidneys work more slowly at night. And because of this, you may find swelling on your face in the morning.

We are not saying that you should stay thirsty at night. But you should drink water half an hour before your bedtime. It will not only help the body function correctly but would also allow you to sleep without any disturbance.

2- If Your Urine Is Colorless

When you go to the bathroom, it is vital to observe the color of the urine. Not many people know, but its color can tell you about various health problems. Clear urine indicates excessive moisture. Your fluid intake is probably too high. This can lead to low sodium levels. Fluid intake may be because you are having soups, stews, and other such items.

But remember that lack of sodium can lead to serious health problems, including heart attack.

It means that you probably lessen the intake of fluid, including water. If that does not help, you should probably go and visit your doctor. After proper diagnosis, the problem can be identified.

3- Drinking Or Eating Spicy Food

The burning sensation is caused by the capsaicin molecule. It is a non-polar molecule, and it dissolves only in other non-polar substances, for example, in milk. If you drink spicy water, the capsaicin will spread more in the mouth and throat. This will aggravate the burning sensation.

Also, do not eat drink water after eating spicy foods. It is better to drink milk or honey for reducing the burn. You might think water would help, but trust us; it will be of no use. Moreover, it will only exaggerate the burning sensation.

4- Drinking Alcohol With Water

Many people believe that it is better to add water to alcohol, as it will significantly reduce the hangover effect. But this is not a correct approach. If you really want to reduce its harmful impact, the best way is only to quit drinking alcohol.

Do not use excuses to continue this bad habit. It does not matter whether you drink water before or after you drink alcohol or even mix it with ethyl alcohol; its harmful effects will still be there.

5- Drinking Water Before, During, And After Meals

Drinking water with food can help reduce salivation. Saliva contains the necessary enzymes for digestion. By interfering with this process, you slow down the process of food processing. It will lead to an accumulation of undigested food in the body and release toxins.

Remember that drinking cold water or alcohol with food can lead to an upset stomach. Moreover, drinking water after eating the meal leads to obesity, which is a sign of poor health.

6- Garden Hose Water

Even if the hose is connected to a pipe with a clean water system, the elements of the hose itself can be hazardous to health. Drinking from a hose is fraught with problems with the endocrine system, liver, kidneys, and a decrease in intelligence. This is because it is full of harmful substances such as phthalates, antimony, and organotin.

7- Artificial Sweetened Water

This advice is especially relevant for people who want to lose weight. Artificial sweeteners increase appetite, and, as a result, there is an increase in weight. Be careful with lemon juice or lime as well. It has a similar effect.

You can always drink water that has a natural lemon. Artificially sweetened carbonated water is deadly for human health. The chemicals in it can even lead to cancer.

8- Drinking Sea Water

Most are familiar with the statement that you cannot drink seawater. But few people know why, and here is a list of valid reasons.

  • Most coastal waters contain high levels of pathogenic human viruses. If you accidentally swallow seawater while swimming, you need to spit it out immediately. So as not to get infected with rotavirus or other unpleasant diseases.
  • There is a lot of salt in seawater. To neutralize the amount of saltwater consumed, you need to drink a lot of pure water. If you do not follow this, dehydration can occur.

Therefore, it does not matter how thirsty you are; do not drink seawater.

Wrapping Up

If you notice an unhealthy addiction to water, you should stop and start controlling the amount you drink. Excessive fluid intake results in low sodium levels and adverse effects on kidney function. The kidneys will be unable to regulate essential components in the blood.

Therefore, we conclude that though water is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, you should be careful about which water you are drinking and at what time. Stay Healthy!

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