Common Signs You Need A Good Catering Management System

catering management system

If you want to run the best Mexican catering near me, you need to make use of technology. Sometimes the signs are always in front of us that a change is necessary but it is easy to get yourself caught up in other things and miss seeing the obvious. Here are some signs that you need to use a catering management system for your catering company.

You spend a lot of time doing repetitive work

If you have to stay at the office late pulling together invoices, sending order confirmations, inputting your orders onto a spreadsheet and more, you can spend a lot of hours slogging through these tasks and wasting a lot of time that could be spent on more important things. The best thing to do is to automate your repetitive processes.

You find yourself writing and rewriting notes over and over

When an order comes in over the phone from a client, you give them a quote and put it down on paper. They confirm the quote is okay and you scribble it down, compose a confirmation email and you rewrite it for your kitchen. You then write it down for your driver with the room and floor it is to be delivered to or write it for your team that will offer catering services. This is time-consuming and not the smartest way to do it. If you want your Mexican catering company to be more productive and profitable, you should consider catering management software.

You do not know your loyal customers

It is simple knowledge to know your loyal customers and address them by their name when necessary. These people are the reason why your company is making money. However, if you find yourself in a difficult position to identify your loyal customers then you could mess up your business. Use a management system to automatically get a list of loyal customers, their contact details, when they started being customers and the names of customers they referred to you. This way, you will appreciate them appropriately when the right time comes.

You panic when you get emails from customers wanting you to confirm availability

As a caterer, you get a lot of clients and meet with a lot of clients. Some clients just want to interview you and know whether you are the best caterer for them and when you end your meeting with them, you will never hear from them. Others tell you to set a food tasting date or a date for actual services. It is easy to get confused and forget about serious customers. So when a customer calls you to ask you whether you will be available on the agreed date, you panic because you thought they were never serious and maybe had already booked another client. This can harm your business and damage your reputation.

If you want to be the best Mexican catering irvine , you should use software to list down all the booked events. This way, you will be the one calling the client to remind them that you are prepared for their event.

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