Classic Vs Modern Tv Shows – Which One Wins?

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There is no use of having a TV when you don’t have any great content to watch. Ever since the advent of the entertainment industry, we’ve seen a plethora of TV shows earn a spotlight and then losing importance to another new TV show. Just like everything else around us, the TV shows that we Windstream bundles watch on TV have significantly changed. What we see today has almost nothing in common with the classics.

Have the TV shows really evolved? Well, we’ve jotted below some factors that give modern TV shows an upper edge over the classic ones. So, let’s delve into discussing those factors right away:

Better Acting

We see that actors today are more committed to their roles than the actors of the past. Even the guy playing a zombie in ‘The Walking Dead’ brings more emotion to his character than a lead role from a ‘60s show. We think that’s because actors nowadays get more time to prep for the role they have to play.

Moreover, another credit goes to newer filming techniques. Due to limited cameras and longer cuts back in the day, actors were bound to adjust with the extensive screen time, hence acting blunders. Now that we have shorter cuts and diversified camera angles, it’s hard for us to focus on the few scattered acting blunders.

The Script

Pick any modern TV show script and we bet that you’ll find it deep and engaging. Almost every show nowadays is doing something new with the script instead of keeping things conventional.

On the other hand, classic TV shows like ‘I Love Lucy’ had a very straightforward and linear script. Today’s standard would label it as ‘less creative’. These days it is all about keeping the audience hooked to the season, giving them cliffhangers, and providing relatable narratives. Dialogues aren’t just one-liners, punch lines, and memorized sentences. We dwell in a time where the best performances on TV are the ones not scripted but straight from an actor’s heart.


This is a key feature in modern TV Shows. Diversity in terms of gender and race has become an integral feature of today’s TV Shows. You know the kind of diversity that you can expect from Windstream bundles that offer you an array of features for your different needs.

Earlier on, there was barely any significance given to female cast members. All they had per episode was a few lines scattered here and there and that’s about it. Mary Tyler Moore’s portrayal of a successful divorcee was a stereotype-breaking move towards today’s television.


We’ve come a long way from a handful of networks airing content for a selected time of the day. Today, there are thousands of channels with an abundance of content, all competing for your screen time. This type of competition racks show-makers for their creativity. As a result, we have deeper stories, bolder characters, and even provocative content that no one dared to show before.

We live in a time where the reason why you might be hooked to a TV show is because it most realistically depicts murder and mutilation. Yes, we’re referring to ‘Dexter’. When it comes to unconventional and violent content, the list includes Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and Hannibal. What’s common in these aforementioned shows is that they redefined story-telling on TV in their own novel way.

Our Final Thoughts

TV Shows are always going to be a very careful depiction of our creativity as a society. Therefore, they will always be in evolution. Apart from being a commentary on modern society, TV shows are a business and will always continue to evolve with time.

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