Useful Life Skills Every Choir Leader Should Have


Being a choir leader needs special skills especially when you are preparing for a choir concert in Los Angeles. As a leader, you will realize that having musical aptitude is just part of the skill set needed for the job. Here are some useful skills that you will need to lead a choir and keep your life in check. 

The organizer 

You need good organizational skills if you want to lead a choir effectively. There is score preparation, venue bookings, rehearsal plans, membership management, and performances for starters. All these elements take administration and planning to work well, which will keep the members happy. The behind-the-scenes part is far more time consuming compared to turning up to rehearsals. 

If you do not have the above skills, it will be a problem when it comes to running a choir. If it sounds like a nightmare to you, you might be better suited to lead a choir that is organized by others. If the admin of the choir appeals more than the leading, maybe you should look to team up with people who have complementary skills.

The diplomat 

If there is one skill you need as a choir leader it is diplomacy. You will have to come across different preferences and characters when dealing with people. It is impossible to please everyone all the time. If problems arise, it is essential to remain calm and use diplomacy to deal with things. At choir concerts, you will experience a lot of issues and you should use diplomacy to solve them. You don’t need diplomacy to deal with complaints. However, it is essential to have a good manner of dealing with general issues. 

You should always give valid reasons for your answers which acknowledge the queries and offer solutions or explain why something isn’t possible. 

The timekeeper 

There are not many jobs where proper timekeeping is not a necessary skill. It is an important one for you if you are a choir leader. It is essential that you are ready and set up for your rehearsal before your choir arrives. As hard as it can be with members coming in late, we have found that it is important that choir rehearsals start on time. 

Letting the start time drift will make people get used to that and this will motivate them to start coming later. If you start on time, people who come in late will feel awkward and make note not to repeat the same. 

Sometimes it is difficult to avoid coming in late due to job and family issues. But as a rule, it is important to have a starting time and stick to it. You should make rehearsal plans to achieve everything you need to do within the available time and not keep choir members late. 

The disciplined worker 

Planning for a choir concert in Los Angeles requires a huge amount of discipline especially if you are used to working in roles where your timetable and tasks are dictated by others.

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