Some people find it challenging to choose the right biological wastewater treatment process for their particular application. There are varying discharge restrictions for the wastewater that’s produced by varying industries and sectors. Treatment systems must be designed around every individual application so as to particularly target and treat pollutants produced by such an application. This is why it becomes crucial to choose the process for secondary stage treatment.
Varying options
When choosing treatment methods, there are several options you can choose from within the varying treatment stages. Secondary stages usually comprise biological systems, and those, particularly, still feature varying options. Careful considerations of several aspects must be made so as to choose the most ideal solution for a specific application. If you do not choose a suitable option for your particular application, then the system might end up not being fully effective, or it could even end up not being effective at all.
At the centre of the biological process, there are three basic considerations and two which are particular to biological treatments. The basic considerations are;
- How much land the system is going to occupy on site.
- Costs of construction; how much money is needed to build the system.
- Costs of operation; the costs that are associated with the daily use of the system.
Particular considerations are the SRT (sludge retention time) and HRT (hydraulic retention time). HRT means the length of time that the effluent is exposed to the process. Nevertheless, SRT means the amount of time that a single unit of sludge (or any other bio media for that matter) remains active within the systems reactor. All these are truly essential considerations when it comes to biological wastewater treatment in Australia, as they are among the foremost features that determine the type of system to be used.
Choosing treatment and designing system
The selection of treatment and design of the biological treatment system takes all of the five listed criteria (as well as others that were not even listed) into consideration. Frequently, during the process of making necessary decisions, weight values are accorded to every single one among the mentioned criterion, and then points are allocated to every single method for every single one among the listed criteria (frequently by means of using a ranking system). The points are then multiplied by the weights and the resultant outcomes are utilized in numerically comparing every single option.
The weighting system is typically subject to alterations that are based on whatever criteria a company, business, homeowner, or even municipal establishment or organization deems to be more crucial for it and its operations, but this article will not delve into that as it is a topic to be discussed on its own.
Every single method, when it comes to biological wastewater treatment, features its own wide variety of unique pros and cons. These pros and cons can make them end up being either good or bad for any specific application. They are all very low cost as regards operations, but the costs of construction are typically higher when reactors need more land area. If you will like to know more about choosing the right process for your application, just contact experts.