Important questions you should ask your staffing agency

employment agency in Orange County

Hiring the right employment agency in Orange County will ensure you find the right employees for your business. As the economy grows, there is a greater number of vacancies and an increasing number of recruiting companies willing and ready to supply you with the right candidates to fill the vacancies. This makes it more challenging to differentiate these agencies. How you can determine the differences between those agencies that are reputable and those that will waste your time is a daunting task. If you have not dealt with a particular recruitment agency, you should be prepared to ask some questions to get the right agency to work with.

Does the agency specialize in my industry?

This is a very important question to ask since you want to hire a recruitment company that has previous experience with companies such as yours. You also need a company that has a lot of success stories to show. Getting this information will ensure you get the right company to help you get the right candidates. If you find an agency that knows your industry well, it will allow both the agency and your company to work efficiently.

Does your agency hold professional accreditation?

We have a lot of professional bodies that ensure that recruitment companies work to a high standard. If the recruitment company you want to hire is governed by one or several professional bodies, you will be assured of high-quality services.

What is your methodology for attracting candidates?

When choosing job agencies, it is important to know the job boards that the agency uses to find the right candidates that might be suitable for your company. This will give you a good idea as to the number of candidates that a recruitment agency has within their database and where they can get the right talent.

What is the screening process you use?

A great screening process is very important in recruitment. It is therefore important for a recruitment company to ensure that all candidates have their relevant references and qualifications checked, are eligible to work in Orange County and have their ID verified before they are presented to you.

What are your terms of business?

Before you start working with a recruitment agency, it is important to know their terms of business. You should also tell them about your terms of business. You do not want to sign a contract only to realize that you are not suitable for each other when you have already paid the recruitment agency a lot of money.

Can you provide testimonials?

You will need testimonials to ensure that the recruitment agency you are considering can fulfill your needs. Gaining access to testimonials will give you confidence in the agency that they are as successful and competent as they claim.

Do you have a clear diversity and equality policy?

The employment agency in Orange County you choose must be fully inclusive. It should also meet all the legal and regulatory requirements as far as diversity and equality are involved.

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