If the energy prices you are getting are out of control you can lower your electric bill by installing an energy management system. Should you have to do this? Well you should not have to do it as access to decently priced energy and electricity is a basic human right, but sadly, we know what has happened with basic human rights. Sometimes it is up to community to ensure that things work properly or that things are affordable and reachable, and so communities have come up with energy management systems. We know that energy prices are just going to get higher and higher and that the world is in a fragile place. Gas is high, energy and water are high, food costs are high. We have to find solutions for these and slowly, solutions are being found. As far as energy goes, energy management systems are the solution.
Find energy solutions
You cannot rely on the government to lower your energy bill; you need to find ways on your own. And that is how the whole world is going. For too long we have relied on other people to sort out our woes, be they water, energy, sewage, potholes, good communications, everything. While we should and always must hold those in power accountable, if we want to be able to manage life we need to be accountable too. This means we need to work together to find the right solutions or we need to work with those people who have already found the right solutions. They are the people who deserve our support. So if you have an energy crisis, or you are sick and tired of paying ridiculously high energy bills, talk to those who can help you. Talk to those who have found systems that work. Talk to those who will help you find them too.
Be self sufficient
We know that it is not that easy to be self sufficient; all our systems were designed so we are reliant on others. But you can slowly start taking control of certain aspects of your life. Put in solar systems where you are able to, or if you can afford them. Use gas instead of energy. Get an energy management system installed so you can monitor and cut down on your energy usage. Grow your own vegetables. Collect grey water and have a water tanker. And if all of this sounds overwhelming to you, and it can be overwhelming and not possible for everyone, work with those who can help you with some. You can bring your energy bills down by installing an energy management system. You can get an expert to install a grey water system. You can buy a few pots to grow herbs!
It is rewarding when you start to take control. It is rewarding when you see results. And nothing is more rewarding than knowing that you can lower SRP electric bill and it is an easy solution!