How To Get On The Least Expensive SRP Plan


Why is my SRP electric bill so high? You may be asking this question without answers. But the simple answer could be that you are not on the cheapest plan for your household. However, deciding to change rate plans isn’t a simple decision. We are here to help you with that. Clients interested in saving have more opportunities to do that before summer. But usually, customers only consider changing once they get their first bill. 

Clients react more than get out of a bad plan. We like to encourage customers to get out of a bad plan and choose a rate plan that works well for their household. But in most cases, it takes a high bill to get your attention. SRP officials estimate more than half of their clients are not on the cheapest plan. 

The difference between one plan and another might be small but in the long run, you will end up benefiting and saving a lot of money. In most cases, the savings are often minimal so customers may choose the convenience of not managing the time of use. Slightly more expensive rate plans might be the best for most people

SRP nudges customers to switch to an economical plan if the analysis of the company shows customers would save a lot of money on an alternative plan. 

Your best choices 

Most plans include a $20 monthly service charge. This is the fee you pay before using any electricity. You can lower your electric bill by ensuring that you reduce your power usage because, after the $20, they will then charge you per kilowatt-hour of the electricity you use. Here are some of the choices you can consider for your household. 


This plan rate is the simplest. It has flat prices for each kilowatt-hour of power regardless of the time of the day. In warmer seasons, SRP charges higher. 


The M-power plan is similar to the basic plan. However, customers prepare for their electricity through a phone app. Customers have a monitor in their house that tells them how much credit they still have before they risk the electricity going out. 

Time of use 

The rates on the time of use plan not only increase during the warmer months but also vary by the time of the days. It is more complex than the other plans because the on-peak hours fluctuate by season. 


This plan has two versions, which charge higher prices for electricity used during the afternoon on three weekday hours all year round. Clients have two choices to make regarding which hours are on peak. 

Electric vehicle 

This is a newer plan and it is similar to the time of use plan. However, it has a lower rate from 23.00hrs to 5.00 hours to encourage owners of electric vehicles to charge their vehicles overnight when the demand for power is low on the grid. 

Risk-free offer to try out new rate 

If you are wondering why is my SRP electric bill so high you have a risk-free offer that allows you to try new rates. You can try the EZ-3 plans for ninety days and if you end up paying more, you are allowed to switch back.

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