Understanding The Top Qualities Of A Good Choir Member

choir member

If you want to join choirs Costa Mesa then you need to know some of the top qualities of a good choir member or singer you need to have. Singing is not just a great exercise for your vocal cords but it is also a great stress reliever. It helps create good harmony in a lot of ways.

According to studies, singing can improve mood and help you burn a lot of calories whilst working out. Singing strengthens your immune system and boosts your sleep. It boosts mental alertness and it is also a natural anti-depressant. Singing has more benefits than what is listed here. Singing in a choir is beneficial because it has the social aspect added to it without being pressured to be professionally trained. As long as one takes time to practice, singing is possible for everyone. Here are some of the top qualities you need to have to become a great singer.


When speaking or singing, diction is a clear pronunciation. Each sound and syllable makes up the words. Practising excellent pronunciation and diction is very important because it makes it easier for your target audience to understand what you are singing. When your audience does not have to strain to understand what you are singing, it puts them at ease. There are a few ways to improve diction. You should be conscious about using proper and clear pronunciation. You should also practice tongue twisters and warm up your facial muscles. This way, you will become better at choral concerts.


When you have control and a keen sense of rhythm, it becomes very possible for you to sing in a group. Singing in a group requires that all the sections of the group stay in rhythm. In case one member is singing in a different rhythm, the whole performance will be thrown off.

A group or choir that is singing pitchy sounds better than a group that has a sloppy rhythm. You can improve your ability with rhythms by practising. The more you practice and sing clear rhythms, the better you will become. You should feel the beat and know the signature of the song. You should also know how your singing fits within the signature of the song and externalize the music you’re singing with your body.  

Tone and pitch

Tone and pitch are different things. Pitch is the frequency of sound whilst tone defines its quality. It is possible to sing on the pitch but it is impossible to perfectly sing in tone. Singers within each voice group should sing in the same pitch but they do not have to sing in the same tone.

The best way to improve both tone and pitch is by listening to other singers sing. If your voice is thicker, thinner or sharper than other singers around you, you can tweak your voice so as to blend with other singers’ voices.


If you want to be an asset to choirs Costa Mesa, you should know how to control your breathing. Breathing is the foundation of good vocal control and singing.

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