Useful Methods To Secure Your Credit Card Transactions

Whether you do credit card processing for small business online, do it through phone, with POS equipment or through the mail, there are some methods you can use to ensure that every transaction you make is secure. Most of the security methods you can use put a considerable amount of technology to work to provide reassurance to your clients and customers.

The technology is applied to add barriers and keep them in place to deter the crafty criminals out there looking for any vulnerability to steal financial and personal data. It is crucial to develop some type of payment security strategies for your business.


This is a security measure that provides ways not to have to store any sensitive data on your operating system. Only minimal data is sent like transaction IDs and authorization codes. When accepting cards for small business, you can use tokenization to take sensitive data and replace it with a string of characters that are randomly generated and can be linked back to the original data by the authorized party. This works well with PCI compliance and makes you less vulnerable to hackers that want to get the information.

Using end-to-end encryption

This is a security method that helps to make sure that all data is secure as it goes from the card reader or other processing forms to the destination. The finish line is the processor who confirms and accepts the payments. The payment is then passed onto the business for the transaction.

Online and mobile payment systems should also include the Secure Sockets Layer protocol in addition to the encryption. This helps to add layers to the security wall and keep hackers away from sensitive data during credit card processing small business. These security measures are effective no matter the size of your business or the number of transactions being processed.

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