Ways To Improve Mobile App Security

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Applications are almost normal, as smart telephones have turned out to be crucial in nowadays society. Sure, whether it is about banking apps; online shopping or entertainment we all seem pretty obsessed with the applications in our daily lives. However these days the majority of our time is spent on mobile app , and there are also concerns about security & privacy. As this kind of more user data eating high sensibility is being drowned and kept in these apps, consuming also such data must be secure from any malicious activity.

In this article, you will see five ways that can contribute to the improvement of the overall application security.

  • Use Encryption

Encryption is one of the most significant assets that an app developer can undergo in order to improve the level of security. Encryption can be described as the process of converting data into an encoded format that only the authorized persons will be able to decipher. 

Users register their accounts with mobile apps, and these apps can easily access all sorts of information from these accounts including usernames, passwords, and even payment information. Storing such specifics in encrypted format helps to make sure that even if a malicious user gains access to the database, he will get only an encrypted form that is meaningless to him. It is important to note that the use of encryption in the modern world is quite simple, because standard algorithms and libraries are available.

For achieving enhanced security for the sensitive data it is important to use secure encryption algorithms. There are recommended solutions that developers can incorporate in a program; these include secure key management systems to protect the key used in cases of encryption. Conducting periodic assessments of the security status and modifying the encryption type and algorithms are important activities that need to be performed in terms of ensuring data security against the growing threats.

  • Validate All Inputs  

One of the ways through which hackers conduct an attack on an app is by feeding it with the wrong input in the form of code or scripts via the input forms and fields. These inputs if not properly controlled and validated, the scripts can cause buffer overflow, or any other security exposures.

Therefore, another good thing that developers should do is always to check all the parameters that a user passes into their app before proceeding further with the evaluation. Some examples include length check, checking the type of input, checking the range of inputs and different special characters or escape sequences. This also safeguards the app from other security bugs such as the SQL injection or cross-site scripting.

Taking preventive actions would also require having solid input validation methods in place to protect your app and its security. Some of them are server-side validation as well as client side checks and the reason they added it is because a user can easily bypass these kinds of validations. For the prevention of such issues, developers should use a whitelisting mechanism where the system accepts only known good inputs rather than trying to block all bad input using blacklists. You can enforce strict input formats using regular expression patterns. You also must sanitize any user input before it is processed or stored – stripping out, escaping in ways that make sense of what may be dangerous characters or sequences.

  • Implement Bug Bounty Programs

However, even the best and most vigilant developer team can miss some bugs or problems in an app which could eventually make them security vulnerabilities. One way to capture such bugs is having a bug bounty program through which security gurus as well as hackers can take the opportunity to seek for vulnerabilities in the app in exchange for some incentives.

Such programs enable white-hat hackers to perform focused tests on the apps in search of logical errors, unaddressed exceptions, and others that can cause security vulnerabilities. The rewards enable them to have a motivation towards discovering these problems before the actual hackers get to it. This crowdsourced testing is complementary to what the developer team would do internally for testing.

  • Apply Security Updates Promptly

Similar to any other software, issues and flaws are inevitably revealed in SDKs (software development kits) and other platforms which are commonly used in creating mobile applications. Whenever there is a release of security patches or updates by the vendors, then the developers should also follow this suit. 

This is because ignoring such updates effectively leaves hackers with a free window to exploit the various security vulnerabilities patched in the updates. To maintain the highest level of security, it can be wise to prioritize security updates and have a strict procedure in place for app updates, protecting against threats that may arise because of the underlying tools and platforms used in development.

The developers should incorporate a method that will help look for new security updates and patches automatically. Ideally, it should be undertaken frequently to locate components that might appear outdated. New releases must be tested independently in a staging environment before they are rolled out to the production environment to avoid creating new flaws or incompatibilities.

  • Limit App Permissions 

Mobile app platforms make available to apps almost all critical device features such as camera, contacts, tracking etc for execution of the app. However, users get alerted if applications demand many permissions, especially those that are irrelevant to the applications.

One of the things that the developers need to consider is what permissions does the app really need and grant access only for those. Most platforms today also have the functionality of selectively denying permission to use those parts that may be considered sensitive, thereby providing the users with greater control. Also, with having permission levels well defined, app security will be maintained as well as the trust of users.


There are aspects that are fundamental to building mobile application security since they are things that are easily overlooked when the goal is just to get the app to work. However, lack of consideration of these aspects renders it possible to develop weak links that can compromise not just the user data privacy but also the credibility and trust of the users in the app.

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