What signs confirm an Addiction?

What signs confirm an Addiction?

Addiction is quickly becoming a major problem for the nation as the number of cases of addiction has recently crossed 21 million. This shows that we as a society have forgotten the danger posed by drugs and if we continue on this path the future of the nation looks bleak. Drugs have a very negative effect on the person abusing them. They increase the chance of a person becoming violent this affects the addict’s family the most as drug-fueled cases of domestic violence are becoming common. Drugs are the gateway to other crimes and if a case of addiction is not spotted then the addict could do serious damage to those around them and themselves even getting jailed for breaking laws due to carrying drugs or due to their violent action. To prevent such a thing from happening to your loved ones you understand the signs of addiction and decide if your loved one requires intervention and subsequent rehab. If they do it is best not to wait and get them to a detox center so that any drugs in their system can be removed and they can begin recovery. Visit detox new york city rehab center for more information.

The most common sign is abnormal changes in behavior. This can include a sudden change of opinions about things or a shift in hobbies or interests. Such a change can signal that there is a chance of drug abuse since normally a person does not change their hobbies or interests at the drop of the hat. Most drugs significantly alter the brain of the addict and as such the things, actions, or people the addict considered to be important before no longer appear important. A good example here would be if a father becomes distant from his kids or his wife or how the addict is suddenly ignoring the old friend who used to be constantly with the addict before. This shift can signal drug abuse. A change in the type of friends a person keeps can also be a clear sign as often shady people gather around an addict and support each other’s addiction.

Addicts often become less and less caring about their physical appearance. They often look disheveled and are often dirty. This can be a sign of addiction if you observe this a lot in a loved one. Other forms of grooming such as haircuts, facial hair, and nails are also neglected. Other physical signs can be red eyes which can signal recent drug use. Having trouble breathing, wheezing while breathing, or being out of breath without any workout or exhausting movement can also be signs of drug use. Most drugs are either injected or snorted through the nose and as such these can leave visible signs. These can include a lot of needle marks without any recent hospital visits and damaged or bloody nostrils. Other physical signs can include shivering, loss of muscle control, vomiting, and abnormally high or low blood pressure, and irregular heartbeats. These all can signal recent drug use, and some can be symptoms of withdrawal. Frequent drug users can have trouble speaking and stringing together thoughts and solving simple problems.

Most addicts often begin to fail in their daily tasks whether they be at work or school. This decline in performance although not enough on its own should act as a warning ensuring that you are more vigilant and observant to make sure that they are not struggling with addiction.

Addicts can also begin to push their loved ones away and be more assertive of their personal space and ask that others keep away from their stuff. They can also become very anxious when questioned about their activities and company and may resort to anger or silence to get away and not answer. The financial situation can change when a person is involved in feeding their addict. If they are stealing or constantly asking for money, there can be an addiction.

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